I'm very lucky to have such a great, wonderful & superb famliy & friends in my life.
When I am down and my soul, so weary. When troubles come and my heart, burdened be.They always be there for me, to support me, to comfort me, to cuddle me, to lend me their shoulder for me to cry on. They will always be there for me when ever I need them.
What I can say, they always raise me up so I feel like I can stand on mountains
to walk on stormy seas
I always feel strong when I am on their shoulders
Coz they raise me up to more than I can be
Thanks Allah for giving me such a wonderful life, family and friends
saya suka lay-out blog ni.especially banner kat atas tu.. cis cis jeles nihh..
hehe thanks ye..tu pun amik dr blog org then edit semula ikut citarasa sendiri....guna paint je hehehe...
Semua pun dh ade blog...Mcm nk jgk bukak blog tp mcm malas jgk nk post entry nie...huhuhu.
Thanks shidah..so apalagi lps tgn fully ok nnt sila la wat blog gak ek..hehe
wah betul2 dari hati
Salam my friend,
I'm so proud of you, always...
But then when u using HDH as your blog address... tersangat2 la proud terbabas babas proudnye...
InsyaAllah we'll meet next year.
Tgh planning ni...
Kiss u my best friend.
monamaznum to madan: thanks madan...well you know me...segalanya dari hati ke hati...huhu
monamaznum to faieza_zk: thanks buddy..errr but sapa ni ek...emmmmm fairul ke ni?
Bertemu dan berpisah adat mansia biasa.....hilang dimata tapi dihati jangan lupa....
Yes I am. :)
Thanks korangg..!!!!
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